ADSp 2017
Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen
We work exclusively on the basis of the German Freight Forwarders’ Standard Terms and Conditions (ADSp.) 2017. In clause 23, these limit the statutory liability for damage to goods in accordance with §431 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) in the amount of 8.33 SDR/kg per claim or per loss event to 1.25 million or 2.5 million euros or 2 SDR/kg, whichever is higher, and in the case of multimodal transports including carriage by sea generally to 2 SDR/kg.
Your message to HANSEFRIGO
Notes on data protection
I agree that my details from the contact form are collected and processed to answer my enquiry. The data will be stored for 10 years or deleted on request.
Note: You can revoke your consent for the future at any time by sending an email to Detailed information on the handling of user data can be found in our data protection.